Today's Horoscope
Your social life kicks up a notch today with or without your efforts. It may be a good time for you to ask someone out or head out on the town with people you don't know all that well yet.
Love for Singles
You're starting to see an old friend in an entirely new, romantic light. The problem is you're not sure whether this will fade or grow. Give it a little time. You don't have to decide right now.
Love for Couples
You mean it in the most constructive way possible, but all they hear is that they're not doing it right. Let them know what you love about them, and maybe let them do it their way for now.
Today's Career Prediction
Your thoughts are too scattered and varied, and it's a challenge to concentrate on any one thing. It's a good time to interact with customers or brainstorm new ideas. Leave the detailed work for later.
Weekly Readings
As the week begins, you’ll be drawn to group projects and collaborative efforts, particularly if they’re tied to a humanitarian cause. You'll feel like you’re able to bring your skills to the table to contribute to the greater good, which can feel heartening and confidence boosting. Later, while you usually want to think through every move and research as much as possible, you might be uncharacteristically tempted to leap before you look all that hard into a horizon-broadening opportunity (like a new job or online course). You could pleasantly surprise yourself.
Get on it when it comes to love this week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are most favored for romance. Why save love for the weekend when you're in this good of a mood? Singles, be on the lookout for an intriguing encounter through work. (If that seems unlikely, remember that even your dull coworkers have friends, possibly cute ones). For the best romantic results the rest of the week, vary your routine, whatever it may be, and let everyone go at their own pace this weekend, even you. (It may be slower than you think.)
Your positive outlook and sense of excitement about your travels bring all sorts of interesting experiences your way. Don't fret if your itinerary for your next trip keeps shifting. Making room for serendipity is what travel is all about. Midweek, listen carefully to the advice of experienced travelers, and withhold judgment. A deeper understanding awaits if you don't jump to conclusions. You're in high spirits this weekend, so factor some solo exploring into your next trip. You love to strike out in random directions to see what treasures and pleasures await.
This Week's Career Prediction
Your routine won't be able to keep up with unexpected developments on Monday and Tuesday, so stay cool and be ready to change course quickly when necessary. You might have to rein yourself in if the impulse to lash out presents itself. Frustration with coworkers or possibly clients builds through the week as they consistently miss deadlines or offer vague words instead of the concrete direction you need. By Friday, you'll be ready to freelance or at least take a day to work on your own. If you do, you'll find your productivity soaring.
Monthly Readings
Finding Fulfillment
Virgo, the sun in Aquarius until February 18 means it’s time to consider your priorities and reset your goals to align with your true desires. Focus is your superpower now, so use it wisely.
Lovely Venus enters Aries early in the month, which means your passions could intensify. If you want something, you might find yourself obsessing about getting it. Channel this energy constructively and you’ll accomplish much.
In addition, Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on the fourth and breathes new life into any dreams and goals that have been on hold. A combination of momentum and good fortune could help nudge things in your favor.
The dramatic full moon in Leo on February 12 could stir up your emotions, and you might find yourself being more vulnerable than you’d like. An unexpected event could catch you off guard, highlighting your softer side even more. Rather than resist, embrace this opportunity for deeper connection and self-awareness. It’s a strength, not a weakness.
Mercury and the sun enter compassionate Pisces on the fourteenth and eighteenth, respectively, so collaboration and teamwork take center stage. This is an ideal time to network with others, negotiate, and share your feelings. Airing emotions and working together can strengthen bonds and bring fresh solutions. Your heart knows the way.
Warrior Mars turns direct in Cancer on February 23, and the focus shifts to expanding your social circle. Mix with friends who truly align with your current interests and lifestyle. These connections can bring joy and shared inspiration and energize you in many ways.
Finally, the new moon in Pisces on the twenty-seventh opens the door to deepening bonds. Whether it’s a budding romance or existing relationship, now is the time to take things to the next level. Collaboration is also highlighted, whether personal or professional, and this is the perfect moment to embark on a shared project.
A new month kicks off with a harmonious Mercury-Jupiter trine on February 3 that enhances your mental clarity and communication skills. This is a great time for both married and single Virgos to have important conversations, whether you’re discussing future plans with bae or telling a potential partner how you feel.
Lucky Jupiter stations direct in your career zone on the fourth, which brings new energy and chances for growth or recognition to your professional life. If you’re partnered with someone, you’re going to want their support now, while single Virgos can attract potential admirers or partners through your job or other public activities.
On February 14, your leader Mercury enters understanding Pisces, your opposite sign, which shifts your focus to relationships and partnerships. The Universe is really encouraging you to see things from a current or potential partner’s perspective now and suggesting that you approach romantic interactions with empathy and compassion.
A Pisces new moon arrives on the twenty-seventh, marking a fresh start in your relationships. This is an ideal time for both taken and single Virgos to set intentions for the future by manifesting your desires. What does your ideal partner look like? What are their values in life? Knowing what you want before you open your heart to someone new or commit to continuing a current relationship is a must.
Health & Fitness
Finding Fulfillment
Virgo, the sun in Aquarius until February 18 means it’s time to consider your priorities and reset your goals to align with your true desires. Focus is your superpower now, so use it wisely.
Lovely Venus enters Aries early in the month, which means your passions could intensify. If you want something, you might find yourself obsessing about getting it. Channel this energy constructively and you’ll accomplish much.
In addition, Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on the fourth and breathes new life into any dreams and goals that have been on hold. A combination of momentum and good fortune could help nudge things in your favor.
The dramatic full moon in Leo on February 12 could stir up your emotions, and you might find yourself being more vulnerable than you’d like. An unexpected event could catch you off guard, highlighting your softer side even more. Rather than resist, embrace this opportunity for deeper connection and self-awareness. It’s a strength, not a weakness.
Mercury and the sun enter compassionate Pisces on the fourteenth and eighteenth, respectively, so collaboration and teamwork take center stage. This is an ideal time to network with others, negotiate, and share your feelings. Airing emotions and working together can strengthen bonds and bring fresh solutions. Your heart knows the way.
Warrior Mars turns direct in Cancer on February 23, and the focus shifts to expanding your social circle. Mix with friends who truly align with your current interests and lifestyle. These connections can bring joy and shared inspiration and energize you in many ways.
Finally, the new moon in Pisces on the twenty-seventh opens the door to deepening bonds. Whether it’s a budding romance or existing relationship, now is the time to take things to the next level. Collaboration is also highlighted, whether personal or professional, and this is the perfect moment to embark on a shared project.
This Month's Career Prediction
The month starts with major drama with your coworkers, all of which will reach a boiling point when Neptune connects with the North Node on February 6. You’ll be given the choice as to how you’ll want to proceed. While taking the high road seems ethical and fair, you’ll be pushed to test the waters by taking the shady road.
Don’t flirt with being unscrupulous, Virgo. You’re better than that! And, to be honest, you know this. Be sure that you are well aware of every outcome before you begin to move into uncharted waters that will create professional issues for you in the future. This means no tattling on your colleagues, even if it feels well deserving.
The sun’s ingress into Pisces on the eighteenth is allowing you to see your coworkers as your equals, making you regret and change your opinion from earlier in the month. You’ll be more inclined to make amends through HR and find your balance to move forward with the coworkers you had arguments with during the first two weeks of February. The new moon on February 27 is a sublime time to let bygones be bygones and start anew, as long as you all can leave the past behind you.

Dates: Aug 23-Sep 22
Symbol: Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Color: Silver
House Ruled: Sixth
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
People of the Virgo sign tend to be kind, smart and sophisticated. They are big-picture thinkers and love planning out their life. They are great advisors who are willing to lend a hand or give advice. Shy at first, Virgos require new people to earn their trust. They are also some of the best lovers you’ll ever find, eager to connect with their partners and please them.
Virgos are perfectionists who have high standards that they can project onto those around them. Cancelling last minute on a Virgo is a sure-fire way to earn their scorn. But as a result, Virgos can be some of the most dependable people around because they put the same pressure on themselves.