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Today's Horoscope


You need to spring into action today, but you're all set, so that's no problem. Your energy is just right for pouncing on big opportunities and having great fun with them!

Love for Singles

Why are the wrong ones so appealing? That's a good question. But why is it that you always find the wrong ones so appealing? The answer will be illuminating. Figure it out!

Love for Couples

Your relationship continues to improve by leaps and bounds thanks to your commitment to learning new ways to communicate. Once you see how much better things are, you won't backtrack.

Today's Career Prediction

It's all about scrutiny now. Check every detail on every scrap of paper that comes your way. Something is there you need to deal with immediately. The sooner it's over, the better off you'll be.

Weekly Readings


Exploring new ways to bolster your mind and body wellness comes naturally at the beginning of the week. You’ll want to dive into a new class or pick a friend’s brain about their favorite workouts and grounding practices. Midweek, finding ways to add more balance to your hectic schedule at work and at home can feel not only necessary but empowering right now. Later, the cosmos makes it easier to connect with a lover on a soul level.


If your friends are all trying to tell you something, maybe you should listen. After all, they do have your best interests at heart. They only want what's right for you. Midweek, everyone seems to be gossiping. Resist the urge to participate. You'll feel so much better if you ignore the negativity. When it comes to work, you're all over the place and starting lots but finishing little. Your mind's already on the weekend, and the weekend could be full of romantic possibilities. You're in the mood for light and flirty. Nothing wrong with that.


A few obstacles could pop up regarding future travels at the beginning of the week, and you may be tempted to gloss over them. Don't. The trip could suffer, and focusing in to deal with the issues won't be nearly as painful as you expect. Sometime on Wednesday things turn very much in your favor, and through Friday your brain's burning brightly. This weekend, your cosmic challenge is to be thrifty yet generous.

This Week's Career Prediction

Get ready for a slow few days. Monday through Thursday will have unexpected obstacles and puzzles to vex you as you try to wend your way toward your goals. When you reach the end, things take a definite turn for the better. You won't need to worry about looming deadlines either, due to a sudden extension or your own tenacious charm. Your energy will pick up your co-workers and help create unprecedented productivity. If you need to work over the weekend, keep a tight grip on your money.

Monthly Readings


Release and Let Go

Gemini, the sun in Capricorn encourages you to dive deep. Let go of anything, such as emotions, habits, and ties, that no longer serves you. Honesty is your key to transformation now.

Mars reenters Cancer on January 6, so it’s time to declutter physically and financially. Money and emotions are intertwined, so resolving financial dilemmas could bring unexpected emotional relief.

Mercury hikes into Capricorn on the eighth, sharpening your focus and making this an excellent time to plan and strategize your business affairs. Use this energy to create a solid foundation for success. Stay grounded and proactive, and be ready to release anything unwanted.

The full moon in Cancer on January 13 encourages a “treat yourself” mood, tempting you to spend for comfort. But pause first, because a little reflection now could save you from buyer’s remorse later.

Venus angles toward Jupiter on the fourteenth, bringing an opportunity to indulge along with a dash of unexpected good fortune. Enjoy yourself, but don’t overdo it.

On January 19, the sun enters Aquarius, inspiring you to break free from routine. The next four weeks encourage adventure and fresh experiences. Whether it’s learning something new or exploring uncharted territory, embrace the unknown. It’s where great things happen.

Mars retrograde aligns with Uranus on the twenty-third, sparking questions about outdated attitudes and emotions tied to money. It’s time to rethink what wealth means to you and embrace a fresh perspective.

Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27, sharpening your mind for learning, teaching, or setting new educational goals. Whether it’s earning a qualification or sharing your wisdom, this is a time for intellectual growth.

The new moon in Aquarius on the twenty-ninth signals that change is certainly calling.

Finally, Uranus turns direct on January 30, delivering a breakthrough revelation about overcoming whatever has been holding you back.


Your ruling planet Mercury enters grounded Capricorn on January 8, directing your distracted mind to be more focused on commitment and long-term potential. Single Geminis, ditch the casual flings and start looking for someone with substance. Married Twins, deep and meaningful conversations with bae can lay the foundation for a solid future together.

Just as you’re getting comfortable in this serious headspace, the sun floats into airy Aquarius on the nineteenth, surrounding you with exciting unpredictability. Your social life is lit now, and if you’re single you’ll be drawn to unique people who challenge your perspectives. Attached? Breaking free from routine and injecting more spontaneity into your relationship has you feeling optimistic about what’s to come.

Mercury opposes Mars on January 23, creating some serious tension between your head and your heart. Single Twins might find yourselves caught between a safe bet and a chaotic mess, while people in committed relationships might encounter heated disagreements that cause unnecessary conflict. As your communication skills are tested, stay calm.

Chatty Mercury conjoins intense Pluto in your expansion zone on the twenty-ninth, intensifying your desire for deeper connections and transformative experiences. When a current or potential partner sees through your playful facade and into your soul, it’s a life-changing experience. Being vulnerable and embracing a new level of honesty and authenticity has some very unexpected results.

Health & Fitness

Release and Let Go

Gemini, the sun in Capricorn encourages you to dive deep. Let go of anything, such as emotions, habits, and ties, that no longer serves you. Honesty is your key to transformation now.

Mars reenters Cancer on January 6, so it’s time to declutter physically and financially. Money and emotions are intertwined, so resolving financial dilemmas could bring unexpected emotional relief.

Mercury hikes into Capricorn on the eighth, sharpening your focus and making this an excellent time to plan and strategize your business affairs. Use this energy to create a solid foundation for success. Stay grounded and proactive, and be ready to release anything unwanted.

The full moon in Cancer on January 13 encourages a “treat yourself” mood, tempting you to spend for comfort. But pause first, because a little reflection now could save you from buyer’s remorse later.

Venus angles toward Jupiter on the fourteenth, bringing an opportunity to indulge along with a dash of unexpected good fortune. Enjoy yourself, but don’t overdo it.

On January 19, the sun enters Aquarius, inspiring you to break free from routine. The next four weeks encourage adventure and fresh experiences. Whether it’s learning something new or exploring uncharted territory, embrace the unknown. It’s where great things happen.

Mars retrograde aligns with Uranus on the twenty-third, sparking questions about outdated attitudes and emotions tied to money. It’s time to rethink what wealth means to you and embrace a fresh perspective.

Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27, sharpening your mind for learning, teaching, or setting new educational goals. Whether it’s earning a qualification or sharing your wisdom, this is a time for intellectual growth.

The new moon in Aquarius on the twenty-ninth signals that change is certainly calling.

Finally, Uranus turns direct on January 30, delivering a breakthrough revelation about overcoming whatever has been holding you back.

This Month's Career Prediction

There’s an amazing dream coming true toward the end of the month, so keep up the amazing efforts, and allow yourself to be inspired! This is an interesting time for you, Gemini. 

When sun enters Aquarius on January 19, you are finding that you’re unable to find the right words to say and even present that pitch you’ve been obsessing over these past months. There’s plenty of incredible surprises in the wings, and you might even get a strong recommendation for a potential lead that brings more optimistic connections if you play your cards right at this time.

The Aquarius new moon on the twenty-ninth will heighten your desire to succeed at everything you do. As usual, you are inundated with various tasks and projects at once, but the main reflection presenting itself to you is how do you actually feel right now? There are many emotional breakthroughs surfacing around you, making it difficult to separate your work and personal life. Expanding your vision will help create a more peaceful immediate working environment, even with all the messages floating into your in-box.

Fechas: 21 de mayo-jun 20
Símbolo: Gemelos
Planeta gobernante: Mercurio
Color: Amarillo
House Ruled: Tercero
Elemento: Aire
Calidad: Mutable

Las personas del signo de Géminis son inteligentes, dinámicas y apasionadas por la vida. Tienden a ser optimistas y son excelentes para avanzar en lugar de quedarse atascados en el pasado. Géminis rara vez se aburre porque sus mentes están constantemente compitiendo – esto lleva a muchos Géminis ser perfectamente felices solos.

Géminis son fantásticos comunicadores y pueden mezclarse en grupos de personas en función de la vibra que reciben. Esto los convierte en un camaleón en el mundo del zodíaco. Géminis tienden a amar las citas y enamorarse y a menudo son lentos para establecerse. Una vez que han elegido un socio, sin embargo, son tan firmes y leales como cualquier gran socio debe ser.

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