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Today's Horoscope


It may be hard for you to admit when you're feeling contented, but now you are right where you want to be in one way or another. Kick back and enjoy what you've got while you've got it!

Love for Singles

Muster the courage to face your relationship fears head-on. Once you see what they are, they'll be reduced from monsters to tiny bugaboos. Plus, you'll stop making the same mistakes.

Love for Couples

Expect a strange day when the world refuses to follow any preconceived ideas. But talking about it with your partner can give you a sense of perspective, and a sense of humor, about it all.

Today's Career Prediction

Your emotions are on edge, so you could be prone to sudden outbursts. Try to dodge highly charged meetings or negotiations if you can. If not, then keep your mouth shut.

Weekly Readings


You could be at risk of losing your signature patience, especially with loved ones, as the week begins. You might be feeling antsy, wanting to shake up your typical routine to experience something new and exciting. Do your best to explore while remaining understanding and loving toward family members who might not be entirely on the same page. Later, the cosmos cranks up the volume on your desire to learn, discuss, and multitask. Your mental energy is sure to be positively buzzing during this time.


You're an unstoppable force of love at the beginning of the week, but it's not because you're overly aggressive. Rather, you're grounded and sure of yourself, as well as able to see things from another's perspective. It's charming and sexy all at once. Beware of romantic strangeness from Wednesday through Thursday. Try not to take it personally. By Friday, it'll all normalize, and you could find yourself mentally linked with exactly the right person. With this kind of understanding, things can progress nicely.


The sheer foreignness of some aspects of a trip can be disconcerting, but you have perseverance and can put things in perspective. Instead of tallying up positives and negatives, you appreciate newness in all its forms. By midweek, you gain a new, remarkably deep understanding, the kind that makes traveling worth its weight in gold, and you'll get there not by spending money but by delving into the real culture of your intended destination. Keep the vibe going this weekend.

This Week's Career Prediction

Get ready for struggles on Monday. It might be as simple as office territoriality or as complex as international wrangling over strategic goals, but there will definitely be conflict involving you and your immediate coworkers. Allies will come to the rescue midweek, and you'll owe them surprisingly little after you emerge victorious. Despite pulling out ahead, you could feel a little down on Friday. Don't take those feelings out on your budget. You can't afford any unnecessary spending just yet.

Monthly Readings


In the Spotlight

Taurus, the sun in Aquarius in the first part of the month means it’s time to step confidently into the spotlight and showcase everything that’s amazing about you. Your talents and charm deserve center stage, so don’t hold back.

Lovely Venus glides into Aries early in the month, and you might feel the urge to keep a budding relationship under wraps for now. Let it blossom quietly until you’re ready to share.

Jupiter turning direct in Gemini on February 4 can bring relief to financial delays. A stalled money project could come back to life, offering fresh opportunities for growth. Be sure to welcome this mix of self-expression, quiet romance, and financial momentum and see where it leads.

On the twelfth, there’s a full moon in dramatic Leo lighting up your home life. It could bring unexpected feelings to the surface due to an unforeseen incident. While it might encourage some theatrics, there’s also the potential to clear the air and welcome a fresh start. Be open to an emotional release, because it’s ultimately for the best.

Mercury and the sun move into Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, so your social side steps up. Networking both online and off could bring exciting connections. In addition, you might find yourself eyeing a long-held goal with fresh determination to make it a reality. Trust that your steady pace will get you there in the end.

Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third, and the cosmos encourages you to embrace a fresh mindset and a new way of thinking that could be truly transformative. This is your chance to take practical steps toward life-changing opportunities.

Finally, the new noon in Pisces on February 27 shines a light on connection and camaraderie. Joining a group of like-minded individuals who share your interests could bring immense satisfaction and a sense of belonging. It’s a time for growth, shared joy, and expanding your world in meaningful ways, so lean in to this harmonious energy.


Venus, your ruling planet, makes some major moves this month, so get ready to experience a whirlwind romance, starting with a dreamy Venus-Neptune meetup in emotional Pisces on February 1. Whether you’re single or attached, this cosmic conjunction heightens your romantic senses and abilities and inspires a deep longing for connection both in and out of the bedroom. 

Passionate encounters can really pick up steam as Venus pairs with hot-blooded Aries on the fourth and gives off passionate vibes that some Bulls might find too hot to handle. If you’re single, take a risk and put yourself out there. In a relationship? This daring transit brings a playful and competitive edge that helps you embrace spontaneity and encourages you to try exciting new things together.

It’s time to dip deeper into your emotional waters as the sun enters sensitive Pisces on February 18 and shifts your focus to emotional connections. You’re encouraged to be a little more vulnerable now, and whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just casually dating, prioritize creating a safe space for more intense bonding and intimacy.

Communication really becomes a key to happiness as a Mercury-Mars trine arrives on the twenty-third and reminds you how important it is to be clear and confident when you’re speaking your truth. Your needs and desires are important, so don’t hesitate to make your intentions known.


Health & Fitness

In the Spotlight

Taurus, the sun in Aquarius in the first part of the month means it’s time to step confidently into the spotlight and showcase everything that’s amazing about you. Your talents and charm deserve center stage, so don’t hold back.

Lovely Venus glides into Aries early in the month, and you might feel the urge to keep a budding relationship under wraps for now. Let it blossom quietly until you’re ready to share.

Jupiter turning direct in Gemini on February 4 can bring relief to financial delays. A stalled money project could come back to life, offering fresh opportunities for growth. Be sure to welcome this mix of self-expression, quiet romance, and financial momentum and see where it leads.

On the twelfth, there’s a full moon in dramatic Leo lighting up your home life. It could bring unexpected feelings to the surface due to an unforeseen incident. While it might encourage some theatrics, there’s also the potential to clear the air and welcome a fresh start. Be open to an emotional release, because it’s ultimately for the best.

Mercury and the sun move into Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, so your social side steps up. Networking both online and off could bring exciting connections. In addition, you might find yourself eyeing a long-held goal with fresh determination to make it a reality. Trust that your steady pace will get you there in the end.

Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third, and the cosmos encourages you to embrace a fresh mindset and a new way of thinking that could be truly transformative. This is your chance to take practical steps toward life-changing opportunities.

Finally, the new noon in Pisces on February 27 shines a light on connection and camaraderie. Joining a group of like-minded individuals who share your interests could bring immense satisfaction and a sense of belonging. It’s a time for growth, shared joy, and expanding your world in meaningful ways, so lean in to this harmonious energy.

This Month's Career Prediction

February ends with major work news for you. The caveat is that it might not come your way until Mars ends its retrograde journey on February 23. 

The entrance of Venus to the sign of Aries and the spiritual sector of your chart on the third will bring new hope and invention to your emotions, giving you the chance to start fresh and find ingenuity in all relationships that you’re invested in. This might require you to stand up against upper management or your boss and push through all the red tape involved in implementing your professional visions into reality. 

No one knows more than you that change is hard, but it’s necessary. It’s time you bring your workplace into the future. Your creativity can help inspire everyone to step up their professional game and elevate their brand. Just be sure to keep a notebook handy all month to write down your novel ideas before you forget them. Also, don’t share with your coworkers as they might try to usurp your visions and pass them off as their own when Neptune links up with the North Node on February 6.

Dates: Apr 20-May 20
Symbol: Bull
Ruling Planet: Venus
Color: Pink
House Ruled: Second
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed

People of the Taurus sign are some of the most trustworthy, ambitious and intelligent people you’ll meet. Bulls value honesty above all else and strive for drama-free relationships. They may be called stubborn, but that’s just because they won’t change their opinions to make someone else happy.

Bulls are some of the most hard-working people around. When something needs to get done, a Taurus will roll up her sleeves and get to work. Taurus people do enjoy simple pleasures, however, and will treat themselves to physical pleasure whenever they can – be it a luxurious massage or hours in bed with their lover.

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