Today's Horoscope
That brainpower of yours is all fired up and ready for some new challenges, so make sure you're applying all your resources to the right problem. Take time to ponder what's most important.
Love for Singles
Someone really understands you and your current romantic dilemma even better. You're used to discretion being the better part of valor, but talking this out would help you more than you know.
Love for Couples
No one likes their ideas to be dismissed, so even if your partner's making little sense, listen up. Asking a few questions might reveal that there's something to it you didn't expect.
Today's Career Prediction
Someone you have to work with closely, possibly a long-time customer, could rub you the wrong way now. There's no avoiding it, so try to smile for now and let off steam later on.
Weekly Readings
You could find yourself butting heads with a higher-up or colleague out of the blue at the beginning of the week. Doing your best to slow down and lean into a pragmatic perspective can smooth over conflict. Later, explore different ways to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Whether you spend a day soaking up new info about your favorite workout through an online workshop or try your hand at exotic recipes in the kitchen, you’ll do well to embrace that extra burst of curiosity and craving for an eye-opening experience.
You're playing very well with others at the beginning of the week and inevitably charming the socks off your sweetie or a sweetie-to-be. Plans you make now also bode well, so book a (burning hot) future weekend accordingly. Sometime Wednesday, some conflict begins to occur, whether in your own heart or of the external variety, so seriously consider whether you're being as open to new ideas as humanly possible, and laugh hard to loosen up. Your weekend can be pretty great if you get creative about it.
Some of your ideas may begin to seem like excess baggage at the beginning of the week. Set them aside on your next trip so you can try being a blank slate that your adventures can write their tales on. You can learn about yourself and expand your personal philosophy at the same time. Midweek, your restlessness contrasts with the security-seeking energy now. This weekend, even a small conflict could escalate rapidly. Defer to the other person and agree to disagree.
This Week's Career Prediction
There could be some serious morale issues troubling the workplace early in the week, but don't take them to supervisors just yet. They might be feeling touchy right now, so lie low. By Wednesday, you'll know just how to proceed, and you should be able to charm just about anyone. Customer service and dealing with clients will go well for you. Friday is a good day for beginning new projects, and you'll be more attentive to detail than usual, so complex paperwork shouldn't get in your way.
Monthly Readings
Be Kind to Yourself
The sun is in Aquarius, Scorpio, so it’s time to step back, unwind, and indulge in some well-deserved self-care. Relax as you pamper and nurture your body, mind, and soul. It’s not just a treat—it’s a necessity.
Harmony blooms in your work life as lovely Venus enters Aries early in the month, making it easier to collaborate with coworkers and create a balanced routine.
Jupiter turning direct in Gemini on February 4 brings renewed hope, encouraging you to make decisions based on the deep insights you’ve gained recently. This is your moment to integrate what you’ve learned and let go of what no longer serves you. Prioritize yourself!
The full moon is in bold Leo on the twelfth, and you’re stepping into the spotlight. Even so, tread carefully, because an emotional outburst or dramatic statement could echo far and wide. Think before you speak to make sure you shine for all the right reasons.
Mercury and the sun move into dreamy Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, and life takes on a softer, more playful tone. This is the perfect time to relax, let your creative juices flow, and indulge in romantic possibilities. Whether you’re single or coupled, fun and flirtation are on the horizon. Embrace the magic and enjoy recharging.
Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third, so the pioneering energy you unearthed during its retrograde phase is now yours to harness. Adventure calls, and new places and experiences are waiting to expand your horizons. Don’t hold back. Just let curiosity guide you.
Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 27 opens doors in love and creativity. It’s a perfect moment to take a budding romance to the next level, strengthening the connection and deepening emotions. And if you’ve been nervous about sharing your creative talents, now is the time to showcase your work to the world. Embrace the spotlight. You truly deserve it.
When beautiful Venus enters fiery Aries on February 4, your love life is lit. This is an exciting time to spice things up with a current lover or FWB by introducing new positions and fun sex toys and games. And because this hits your everyday routine zone, single Scorpios should look for potential love interests through work or while going to the gym or running errands.
A powerful Venus-Pluto sextile on the seventh intensifies your passion and makes you want to intensify your connection to a current partner or potential love interest. Being vulnerable is encouraged because it allows you to truly connect on a soul level. Use this energy to strengthen your bond with a current partner or attract potential partners who challenge you to grow and evolve.
Your powerful home planet Mars goes direct while in fellow water sign Cancer on February 23, energizing your adventure and expansion zone. Stepping outside your comfort zone and exploring new horizons with a current partner or crush amps up the excitement level. Zero prospects? Traveling increases your chances of meeting someone special.
The Pisces new moon on the twenty-seventh offers you a fresh start, so this is a perfect time to write out some intentions or make a vision board. You really can manifest your romantic desires, Scorpio, especially if you tap into your psychic, intuitive subconscious. Your dreams reveal so much. Don’t ignore their bizarre symbolism.
Health & Fitness
Be Kind to Yourself
The sun is in Aquarius, Scorpio, so it’s time to step back, unwind, and indulge in some well-deserved self-care. Relax as you pamper and nurture your body, mind, and soul. It’s not just a treat—it’s a necessity.
Harmony blooms in your work life as lovely Venus enters Aries early in the month, making it easier to collaborate with coworkers and create a balanced routine.
Jupiter turning direct in Gemini on February 4 brings renewed hope, encouraging you to make decisions based on the deep insights you’ve gained recently. This is your moment to integrate what you’ve learned and let go of what no longer serves you. Prioritize yourself!
The full moon is in bold Leo on the twelfth, and you’re stepping into the spotlight. Even so, tread carefully, because an emotional outburst or dramatic statement could echo far and wide. Think before you speak to make sure you shine for all the right reasons.
Mercury and the sun move into dreamy Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, and life takes on a softer, more playful tone. This is the perfect time to relax, let your creative juices flow, and indulge in romantic possibilities. Whether you’re single or coupled, fun and flirtation are on the horizon. Embrace the magic and enjoy recharging.
Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third, so the pioneering energy you unearthed during its retrograde phase is now yours to harness. Adventure calls, and new places and experiences are waiting to expand your horizons. Don’t hold back. Just let curiosity guide you.
Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 27 opens doors in love and creativity. It’s a perfect moment to take a budding romance to the next level, strengthening the connection and deepening emotions. And if you’ve been nervous about sharing your creative talents, now is the time to showcase your work to the world. Embrace the spotlight. You truly deserve it.
This Month's Career Prediction
Your focus isn’t so much on work in the beginning of February as it is on personal matters and love. Family matters might take you away from giving your career a lot of energy because your brood needs you more than ever in the beginning of this month.
The key to keeping up with work is to make sure that all of your contracts and agreements are in place, as there might be a lot of backtracking on them from the people you are trying to reach an agreement with. You might even walk away with a profitable agreement as a new alliance will be formed as a result of all the professional chaos that unfolds in the beginning of February.
The sun’s movement into Pisces on February 18 gives you more power to swim forward with ease. Ironically enough, the Pisces new moon on the twenty-seventh grounds your energies and calms professional matters as March begins.

Dates: Oct 23-Nov 21
Symbol: Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Pluto & Mars
Color: Black
House Ruled: Eighth
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
People of the Scorio sign are passionate, independent and are not afraid of controversy. You may want to think twice about getting into a debate with a Scorpio — they thrive in it! If a Scorpio doesn’t think you are a genuine or authentic person, you can forget being friends with them.
While Scorpios can be intimidating and closed-off, they are actually very deep people who are in tune with their emotions. Scorpios will bring 100% enthusiasm to any of their endeavors — whether it’s friendship, love or work. If you’ve made an enemy of a Scorpio, however, please have our condolences. You may be in for an unpleasant ride!