Mi signo dice


Today's Horoscope


Your mood shifts are legendary, and on a day like today, it's vital that you let them guide you. It may be that your volatility shifts you away from someone who's like poison to you!

Love for Singles

A personal struggle smooths out in time for you to turn your energy to other concerns. It's a great time to think about your search for love. What do you really want from your love life?

Love for Couples

That flexible mind of yours means that meeting your partner halfway is easy and even fun now. What's more, you two can explore something new together with pretty amazing results.

Today's Career Prediction

A big change is coming and you could be the first one to see it. Watch for foreign influences and get ready to respond appropriately. If inspiration doesn't readily present itself, wait and it will soon arrive.

Weekly Readings


You could be very much in your feelings and driven to express yourself in a physical, deeply heartfelt way as the week gets underway. Speaking your truth can bring you even closer to your loved ones and feel incredibly satisfying on a variety of levels. Later, the cosmos causes you to be more sensitive than usual, especially if you feel like you’re facing restrictions of any kind. Seek out a healthy, grounding way to feed your need for excitement, like a new workout or stimulating professional project. 


Some people are awkward (or crude) when they're point-blank about romantic matters, but your up-front manner at the beginning of the week gets you exactly where you want to be. (Who needs game players anyway?) From Wednesday through Friday, the stars take you even further, lining your path with fascinating people and showing your natural generosity in a gorgeous light. Those in relationships are thinking bigger and better, while singletons can't help but make sizzling new connections. Things slow down this weekend. Enjoy your own lazy company.


Take some new thinking out and about with you the next time you're on the road. You can learn not only about where you are but also where you've come from and who you're going to be. You relate exceptionally well to others, and you enjoy striking up conversations and listening. Check that you know where your passort and other important documents are on Wednesday and Thursday, because you're liable to mislay something important. This weekend, go online and watch a game or sport played in your next destination, even if it's not your thing. The energy can be amazing.

This Week's Career Prediction

If you're not in sales, you might want to think about switching on Monday and Tuesday. Your natural charm is powerfully energized, and you'll find people dropping whatever they're doing at the slightest hint that you need them. By midweek, your energy will be flagging somewhat, and you might want to take things down a notch and explore alternative ideas to implement in the near future. Your energy level shoots back up Friday, and you'll find yourself having a great time even in meetings or tasks you usually dread.

Monthly Readings


Cutting-Edge Ideas

Sagittarius, the sun in Aquarius in the first part of the month means it’s time to share your ideas and connect with the world. Dive into social media, network, let your brilliance shine, and your message will resonate far and wide. 

Venus dances into fiery Aries early in the month, and passion sparks in a current relationship or ignites a new romance. Your creative side also comes alive, inspiring joy and connection. 

Partnerships and relationships flourish when Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on February 4. If you and someone special have been working hard on a project, you’ll soon see rewarding results. Even stalled connections can spring back to life now.

The full moon in fiery Leo on the twelfth could coincide with an emotional pull toward a place or opportunity that feels almost magnetic. While the allure is strong, don’t act impulsively. You don’t want to make a decision you might regret later. Instead, take the time to reflect before doing anything.

Mercury and the sun enter dreamy Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, and your focus shifts to your domestic life. This is the perfect time to get rid of clutter, set priorities, and create goals that align with your family’s needs. A home makeover or even a move could be on the horizon, so welcome any fresh possibilities.

If you’ve taken the time to face shadowy buried issues that once drained your vitality, your energy surges when fiery Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third. This newfound drive propels you forward, especially in business and financial matters, and progress will soon feel tangible and rewarding. Clarity and courage are your allies now. 

Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 27 brings a fresh start at home, offering the perfect moment to kick-start initiatives that will enhance your space and your life. Use this cosmic energy to tackle your most important goals and plans with enthusiasm. Renewed and recharged, you’re unstoppable, so make it happen.


A harmonious Mercury-Jupiter trine arrives on February 3, enhancing your communication skills and broadening your perspective. This is an excellent time for both married and single Archers to have meaningful conversations, share ideas, and expand your knowledge with that special someone. 

Jupiter, your lucky ruling planet, stations direct in Gemini, your opposite sign, on the fourth, bringing your focus to relationships. You finally have a renewed sense of optimism and possibility when it comes to your love life that you haven’t had in a while, which feels fantastic. Be honest as you explore new ways to connect with current or potential partners.

As Juno, the asteroid of commitment, enters your sign on the twentieth, you’re longing for a deeper connection with someone. Partnered Sagittarius might feel a renewed sense of commitment to their relationship, while singles might be ready to (gasp!) settle down or take a relationship to the next level. Whatever happens, mutual respect is key.

Also on February 20, a challenging Mercury-Jupiter square brings the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunication, so it’s important that you’re cautious about your words and actions. Jumping to conclusions, whether you’re involved with someone or just getting to know a potential date, leads to unnecessary conflict and premature or unfair judgments. 

Health & Fitness

Cutting-Edge Ideas

Sagittarius, the sun in Aquarius in the first part of the month means it’s time to share your ideas and connect with the world. Dive into social media, network, let your brilliance shine, and your message will resonate far and wide. 

Venus dances into fiery Aries early in the month, and passion sparks in a current relationship or ignites a new romance. Your creative side also comes alive, inspiring joy and connection. 

Partnerships and relationships flourish when Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on February 4. If you and someone special have been working hard on a project, you’ll soon see rewarding results. Even stalled connections can spring back to life now.

The full moon in fiery Leo on the twelfth could coincide with an emotional pull toward a place or opportunity that feels almost magnetic. While the allure is strong, don’t act impulsively. You don’t want to make a decision you might regret later. Instead, take the time to reflect before doing anything.

Mercury and the sun enter dreamy Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, and your focus shifts to your domestic life. This is the perfect time to get rid of clutter, set priorities, and create goals that align with your family’s needs. A home makeover or even a move could be on the horizon, so welcome any fresh possibilities.

If you’ve taken the time to face shadowy buried issues that once drained your vitality, your energy surges when fiery Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third. This newfound drive propels you forward, especially in business and financial matters, and progress will soon feel tangible and rewarding. Clarity and courage are your allies now. 

Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 27 brings a fresh start at home, offering the perfect moment to kick-start initiatives that will enhance your space and your life. Use this cosmic energy to tackle your most important goals and plans with enthusiasm. Renewed and recharged, you’re unstoppable, so make it happen.

This Month's Career Prediction

This is a wonderful month for you to experience tremendous healing and business changes (if you’re open to it). Your outlook will take on a new level of awareness and can shift the focus toward your personal needs, including starting something more tangible for yourself. There is a great deal of autonomy being asked of you now. 

Whether or not you own a business or you are generally working for yourself, after Jupiter’s planetary moonwalk that ends on February 4, open your mind to something out of the norm. You’ll be surprised how much you can inspire yourself to make professional moves when the sun enters Pisces on the eighteenth. This will take you into the last weeks of the month on a high. You’ll be able to elevate your personal brand and take part in exciting new projects. 

The only caveat is that you might feel unsure of what professional road to take on February 27, when the new moon heightens your insecurities and creates uncertainty in your professional world. Be careful not to make any impetuous moves at the moment, as you might second-guess yourself, which will bring a few long-term professional projects to a sudden end. 

Dates: Nov 22-Dec 21
Symbol: Archer
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Color: Light Blue
House Ruled: Ninth
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable

People of the Sagittarius sign are often strong-willed and independent thinkers. A Sagittarian is more than happy to stray from the pack, go off the beaten path and go for what they want despite what others think of them. They are great adventurers and natural leaders who enjoy exploration.

Sagittarius people are also generous, open-hearted and truthful. They may be accused of lacking empathy or tact, but they simply don’t feel the need to beat around the bush. When a Saggitarian tells you something, you can count on it being what they really think. They are also great confidants and can keep a secret better than any other sign.

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