Mi signo dice


Today's Horoscope


Your ability to hide in plain sight is useful today, and you should pick up a few pieces of hot gossip as a result! Of course, you may not know what to do with it, but that isn't such a bad problem.

Love for Singles

Aren't you tired of having to be so nice to get someone to love you? Wouldn't you rather be your own honest, intelligent self and be loved for that? Make romance simpler and level with yourself.

Love for Couples

Even if you're not feeling very decisive, try on a point of view in a discussion with your partner. Playing the devil's advocate facilitates exploring your outlook, and it can be exciting!

Today's Career Prediction

Use your curiosity to delve deeper into your work. What lies behind it? Why does it work this way? How can you improve it? These questions will help you meet even the most unrealistic goals.

Weekly Readings


It wouldn’t be surprising if you felt inspired and confident when it comes to pitching a creative project as the week begins. Lean in to this artistic energy and you could come away from the moment feeling truly accomplished. Later, if you’ve had to deal with setbacks and delays related to dates and opportunities to express what’s in your heart, you can now look forward to finding new ways to infuse everyday life with fun, joy, and pure magic.


You're fabulous on Monday. Give the world plenty of opportunities to admire you, and watch for extra adoration from certain quarters. Stay tuned in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday too, lest you miss some interesting stuff in the real world while you're lost in your dreamy one. At the same time, watch out for an excess of romantic drama. End your hesitation in the love department on Friday and Saturday and just do it, whatever "it" is. Forward motion is the important thing now. Sunday brings an opportunity for romantic improvement. Grab it!


There's a lot going on at the beginning of the week, and you've got no problem going with the flow. Absorb all that's happening around you like a sponge. These are memories you'll treasure later. Place your trust in the universe on Wednesday and Thursday. If you go out on a limb, you'll be surprised by the willingness of strangers to help. You may get a chance to lend a hand as well. Balance leisure with activities this weekend. If you try to cram too much in, you'll just feel harried rather than really enjoy yourself.

This Week's Career Prediction

If you can work on your own early in the week, do so. Working at home is optimal, but at the very least keep your head down and try to avoid engaging your coworkers or boss. Communication troubles will inflame their egos if you're not very careful. By Wednesday, you can reach out with confidence. In fact, now is the time to take that risk you've been considering. Even if you can't foresee all the consequences, you should go for it. Financial issues loom large over the last part of the week. Make sure to confront them head-on.

Monthly Readings


Being Yourself

Pisces, the sun in your sign puts you in a position to take charge of your life and showcase your best qualities, but you’ll need to keep your wits about you this month.

Venus turns retrograde in Aries on March 1, so financial indulgence might tempt you, but think twice before splurging. That must-have item could quickly turn into buyer’s remorse.

Communicator Mercury enters Aries on the third, making this a great time to start a smarter money management system that will help you stay in control.

The lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 brings relationship tension to the surface. An issue that has been bubbling beneath the surface might finally demand attention. Emotions could run high, but honesty is key. Don’t bottle things up. Instead, address what needs to be discussed and you’ll smooth the way for a positive solution.

Mercury goes into reverse in Aries on the fourteenth, so it’s time to pause and review your financial decisions. Plans could shift, so postpone any big purchases. What seems essential now could feel unnecessary later.

Money once again takes center stage as the sun enters Aries on March 20. Whether it’s budgeting smarter or launching a side hustle, you’re ready to enhance your cash flow.

Venus retrograde backs into your sign on the twenty-seventh, sparking self-reflection. You might rethink your image and the way you present yourself to the world. If something needs to shift, trust your intuition. It always has your back.

Lively Mercury retrogrades back into your sign on March 29, making delays and mixed messages likely. It would be wise to prepare early for important meetings or deadlines. Double-check details, clarify instructions, and don’t assume others got the message.

In addition, the solar eclipse in Aries on the twenty-ninth sparks a powerful financial reset. An event could set the stage for a totally fresh start, whether it’s a new income source, investment, or budget strategy.

Finally, Neptune enters Aries on March 30, so it’s time to get real about any financial illusions you might have. If limiting beliefs about money have been holding you back, start visualizing abundance. You are worthy of wealth and success.


Your sweet sign is on hosting duty when Mercury meets up with your home planet Neptune on March 2. But as you get lost in this dreamy, romantic energy, ignoring reality can bring problems later. Listen closely to your inner voice, Pisces, and use your intuition to avoid any negative romantic situations.  

On the seventh, a sun-Mars water trine brings some subtle heat. You’re all about seduction, and you know that whispering is way sexier than yelling. You also feel more confident and attractive now, which is a turn-on for a current or potential partner. Asking for what you need instead of making them guess is sexy AF. 

Your sign holds space for the sun-Saturn conjunction on March 12, which puts you in a serious mood. Fun is fun, but if you’re looking for a bigger commitment from bae, this is a great time to discuss where things might be headed in the future. Single Fish are into finding someone to connect with on a creative level, so look for an artistic Cancer or Libra.

An Aries new moon arrives with a solar eclipse on the twenty-ninth, indicating that it’s time for new beginnings in your love life. When the Universe offers you a fresh start, why not take it? You’ve been in a romantic rut for too long, so this is the perfect time to set your intentions and start believing that you deserve something exciting in your life.

Health & Fitness

Being Yourself

Pisces, the sun in your sign puts you in a position to take charge of your life and showcase your best qualities, but you’ll need to keep your wits about you this month.

Venus turns retrograde in Aries on March 1, so financial indulgence might tempt you, but think twice before splurging. That must-have item could quickly turn into buyer’s remorse.

Communicator Mercury enters Aries on the third, making this a great time to start a smarter money management system that will help you stay in control.

The lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 brings relationship tension to the surface. An issue that has been bubbling beneath the surface might finally demand attention. Emotions could run high, but honesty is key. Don’t bottle things up. Instead, address what needs to be discussed and you’ll smooth the way for a positive solution.

Mercury goes into reverse in Aries on the fourteenth, so it’s time to pause and review your financial decisions. Plans could shift, so postpone any big purchases. What seems essential now could feel unnecessary later.

Money once again takes center stage as the sun enters Aries on March 20. Whether it’s budgeting smarter or launching a side hustle, you’re ready to enhance your cash flow.

Venus retrograde backs into your sign on the twenty-seventh, sparking self-reflection. You might rethink your image and the way you present yourself to the world. If something needs to shift, trust your intuition. It always has your back.

Lively Mercury retrogrades back into your sign on March 29, making delays and mixed messages likely. It would be wise to prepare early for important meetings or deadlines. Double-check details, clarify instructions, and don’t assume others got the message.

In addition, the solar eclipse in Aries on the twenty-ninth sparks a powerful financial reset. An event could set the stage for a totally fresh start, whether it’s a new income source, investment, or budget strategy.

Finally, Neptune enters Aries on March 30, so it’s time to get real about any financial illusions you might have. If limiting beliefs about money have been holding you back, start visualizing abundance. You are worthy of wealth and success.

This Month's Career Prediction

The energy around the spring equinox actually begins early for you, Pisces, when the lunar eclipse that opposes your sun on March 13 offers you a moment of introspection as well as a sense of completion that is almost exclusively peaceful. You might find yourself thinking of some of the things you wanted to accomplish and haven’t quite yet, but you’re likely to find more acceptance for not having met those goals than self-judgment. You won’t waste your energy there just because this ending feels so final. 

Very exciting energy lasts all the way up until the solar eclipse on the twenty-ninth, when your keen listening skills could be put to the test. Just be careful to set boundaries with others, and try not to soak up everything in your environment like you are prone to do. You are sure to be hyperaware of the layers of what people aren’t saying out loud during this time to the extent that it might even feel like you’re spying on the people you’re keeping company with.

Fechas: 19 de febrero-mar 20
Símbolo: Pescado
Planeta gobernante: Neptuno & Júpiter
Color: Mar-Verde
Regla de la casa: Duodécimo
Elemento: Agua
Calidad: Mutable

La gente del signo de Piscis son algunas de las más gentiles, cariñosas y comprensivas que conocerás. Por lo general, son fáciles y aceptan a los demás, lo que resulta en amigos de todas las personalidades diferentes. Los Piscis son reconfortantes para estar alrededor y desprender un aura de empatía.

Cuando hay un Piscis, puedes sentir su fuerte presencia. Son intuitivos, artísticos y sabios, pero se sabe que son demasiado confiados. También tienden a desear una salida de la realidad, que alimenta sus pasiones artísticas. Muchos Piscis llevarán sus corazones en sus mangas – sus rostros traicionan cualquier emoción que están sintiendo.

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