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Today's Horoscope


You need one close friend or family member on your side today. Partnership comes pretty easily to you, so you may need to lay down the ground rules and make sure they know what's expected.

Love for Singles

Why wait to call, DM, or issue that certain little invitation face-to-face? The stars say people are inclined to agree with what you propose now. Being proactive activates your love life!

Love for Couples

Don't keep your partner guessing about what you want. Clear communication will come easily today, so think about what you want to say and then speak from your heart.

Today's Career Prediction

Pay attention to the aura you're giving off. If you lead the way, you'll make the right impression. Your inner voice is telling the truth, so listen and follow your instincts. There's room for advancement.

Weekly Readings


You won’t be satisfied with mundane, conventional experiences in love at the start of the week. Instead, you’ll be stirred to sign up for a class that bolsters your knowledge of a subject you’ve always been fascinated by (like art, music, or theater) or plan long-distance trips that can open the door to thrilling new experiences. Sharing these pursuits with a significant other could be fulfilling or, if you’re single, lead you to connect with someone wonderful. Later, the cosmos urges you to share your deepest-rooted physical and emotional desires with a partner or a potential significant other. Initiating this ongoing dialogue can bring you even closer and intensify your chemistry.    


You think of relationships as investments. When you commit to someone, you have long-term dividends in mind. At least you think this way Monday through Wednesday. No wonder your week is so bereft of actual romance! On Thursday and Friday, you have a lot of plans and they actually turn out to be quite fun, but something is missing. Even if you're coupled up, your connection this week will be more intellectual than physical. Which is fine. Every week is different. On Saturday and Sunday, there's a hiccup in your domestic bliss, possibly a full-blown fight. Be as understanding as you can be.


Monday could be the day for your trip's extravagant splurge -- a fabulous dinner, great seats to a play or the opera, the best suite. More modest plans fall nicely into place from Tuesday through Thursday, and you're bringing a keen eye for observation to your travels. Document it with photos or a trip journal. Changing your lodgings or taking a daytrip could involve some glitches this weekend, so proceed with caution. Lazing about may be a good option. It's hard to make up your mind on Sunday, so take a recommendation from a fellow traveler.

This Week's Career Prediction

You've got a tendency to overplay your hand on Monday. A little bluffing goes a long way. Ultimately, you'll have to work with what you've got or spend time scrambling to get resources together. Then you've got a real facility with the facts and figures over the next few days, just in the knick of time. Show those who think you're all EQ how high functioning that IQ can be. And working this weekend looks full of potential pitfalls, especially if it's new business or involves other unknown quantities. Best to be very cautious (or just take time off) after Thursday.

Monthly Readings


Relax and Recharge

The solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 ushers in a significant shift on the home front, Cancer, so expect lively discussions before any major decisions. With Mercury in the mix, any plan or project will be accompanied by plenty of conversation. This celestial influence could bring changes that require clear communication and a bit of diplomacy if everyone is to be happy.

Meanwhile, lovely Venus ties with fiery Mars on the eighth, injecting a dose of passion into your romantic relationships, spotlighting deep desires, and intensifying connections. Make the most of this potent mix because it could rekindle something in you that is very thrilling. It’s a powerful time to let your creative side flow while deepening bonds that matter the most. Speak from your heart, weigh your options, and let love lead the way.

As Pluto resumes its direct march in Capricorn on October 11, you’re encouraged to confront and release any deep-seated issues that affect your relationships. This potent planetary shift empowers you to get rid of old resentments, which could profoundly transform the dynamics of key connections. Make the most of this chance to heal and renew. Plus, Mercury’s dive into the insightful waters of Scorpio on the thirteenth enhances communication, bringing a meeting of the minds that fosters understanding and depth.

On the seventeenth, the full moon in Aries squares off with Mars, which could spotlight some professional or public setbacks and leave you feeling unusually emotional. It’s crucial to process these feelings but also be constructive. And as Venus jets into Sagittarius that same day, it’s an excellent time to channel your energy into physical activity. Consider kick-starting a new exercise regimen or working with a personal trainer to transform stress into vitality.

Finally, the sun’s transition in and through Scorpio on October 22 and for the next four weeks, promises to ignite your creative spark. Use this period to explore and express your artistic talents as you turn emotional insights into creative gold.


This month holds some pretty solid potential for improving your love life. The new moon and solar eclipse in balanced Libra on October 2 set the stage for new beginnings, which could refer to a current or developing relationship. It’s time to focus on reaching that harmoniously blissful state you hear other people talk about.

The sizzling sun-Mars square on the fourteenth can stir up some pretty passionate disagreements, but you aren’t one to perpetuate an argument. Healthy conflict can lead to deeper understanding, Cancer, so don’t shy away from expressing your needs (but also don’t let things get out of control). You’ve got this.

Your lovely leader Luna is full in powerful Aries on the October 17, boosting your confidence and sense of independence. It’s time to come out of your shell and assert yourself, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Single? Make the first move. Coupled up? Plan an adventure that bae can’t refuse.

On the twenty-eighth, a strongly emotional Mars-Neptune trine can cloud your romantic vision with too much idealism and lead to major disappointment. It’s really important to see a current or potential partner for who they are, not who you wish they were. Your imagination runs wild with possibilities, but good luck syncing them up with reality.

Health & Fitness

Relax and Recharge

The solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 ushers in a significant shift on the home front, Cancer, so expect lively discussions before any major decisions. With Mercury in the mix, any plan or project will be accompanied by plenty of conversation. This celestial influence could bring changes that require clear communication and a bit of diplomacy if everyone is to be happy.

Meanwhile, lovely Venus ties with fiery Mars on the eighth, injecting a dose of passion into your romantic relationships, spotlighting deep desires, and intensifying connections. Make the most of this potent mix because it could rekindle something in you that is very thrilling. It’s a powerful time to let your creative side flow while deepening bonds that matter the most. Speak from your heart, weigh your options, and let love lead the way.

As Pluto resumes its direct march in Capricorn on October 11, you’re encouraged to confront and release any deep-seated issues that affect your relationships. This potent planetary shift empowers you to get rid of old resentments, which could profoundly transform the dynamics of key connections. Make the most of this chance to heal and renew. Plus, Mercury’s dive into the insightful waters of Scorpio on the thirteenth enhances communication, bringing a meeting of the minds that fosters understanding and depth.

On the seventeenth, the full moon in Aries squares off with Mars, which could spotlight some professional or public setbacks and leave you feeling unusually emotional. It’s crucial to process these feelings but also be constructive. And as Venus jets into Sagittarius that same day, it’s an excellent time to channel your energy into physical activity. Consider kick-starting a new exercise regimen or working with a personal trainer to transform stress into vitality.

Finally, the sun’s transition in and through Scorpio on October 22 and for the next four weeks, promises to ignite your creative spark. Use this period to explore and express your artistic talents as you turn emotional insights into creative gold.

This Month's Career Prediction

You’re inundated with various tasks and projects at work, but the main reflection presenting itself to you is how do you actually feel about the work you are doing? There are many emotional breakthroughs surfacing around you, making it difficult to separate your work and personal life.

There’s a shift in your mood during the solar eclipse in Libra, allowing you to take a mature perspective despite another individual’s inability to fully discern through their own behavior, especially with a hefty energy.

Expanding your vision during the Aries full moon on October 17 will help create a more peaceful immediate working environment, even with all the messages floating into your in-box. You will see that there are plenty of incredible surprises in the wings, and you might even get a strong recommendation for a potential lead that brings more optimistic connections if you play your cards right.

Fechas: 21 de junio-jul 22
Símbolo: Cangrejo
Planeta gobernante: Luna
Color: Violeta
Casa Gobernada: Cuarta
Elemento: Agua
Calidad: Cardenal

Las personas del signo de Cáncer a veces son consideradas casi psíquicas porque son tan intuitivas y emocionales. Al principio, los cánceres pueden llegar a ser espinosos, pero eso es porque tienden a odiar las pequeñas conversaciones. Casi siempre lo hacen mejor en grupos pequeños que en grandes reuniones.

Los cánceres tienden a intuir relaciones antes de que se hable la primera palabra. Pero cuando te ganas un amigo de Cáncer, ¡sabes que tienes un amigo de por vida! Las personas del signo del Cáncer tienden a ser creativas o al menos apreciadas del arte. También tienden a estar más conectados a una potencia más alta que algunos otros signos.

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