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Today's Horoscope


You have to show others that the road ahead is safe, and the only way to do that may be to head out on your own. You don't mind that, but you do wish your friends weren't such cowards.

Love for Singles

Express yourself when it comes to dating. After all, relating is all about communicating and participating. Learning to balance on the see-saw of give-and-take is key to healthy relationships.

Love for Couples

You two have energy to burn, not to mention some serious romantic heat. Why not cook something up, literally? Making food together is sensuous and fun in more ways than one.

Today's Career Prediction

Though some serious overreacting is going on all around you, don't try to calm people down. You'll only fan the flames and look suspicious on top of it. Just stick with your own business for now.

Weekly Readings


Opening your heart to friends and loved ones comes even more naturally than usual at the start of the week. You’ll also feel stirred to broaden your horizons. Later, this could be a rather emotional time in which you feel like you need to take a time-out from the daily grind to tune in to what your soul needs. The cosmos could make it tough to pinpoint exactly where you go from here, but making the time to listen to and then trust your intuition can be a significant first step.    


You're up for anything new at the beginning of the week, and you're ready to put your whole heart into it. The energy's fabulous, and singles will be pretty much on fire. The coupled up should be patient if their other half isn't quite as enthused. Patience is required for all on Wednesday and Thursday. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your love life can't always be turned up to high! From Friday and through the weekend, though, it will be, so watch for conversation so fascinating you're interrupting each other and completing each other's thoughts.


You're agreeable and full of charm on Monday and Tuesday, making your interactions smooth and perhaps even flirtatious. While you're enjoying yourself, though, keep a close eye on belongings and err on the frugal side. Midweek, you might want to get in communication with people in the office. Just reread those e-mails before you send them because you're liable to be a bit unclear. This weekend, something you see or hear strikes a chord with the deepest part of you. Don't suppress your reaction. You'll experience a wonderful catharsis.

This Week's Career Prediction

Think about compensation early this week. Are you making enough? It's a good time to get what you deserve, so take steps to go after the prize. Starting Wednesday, the gears of industry will turn smoothly for you, and you'll be able to express yourself much more clearly than usual in memos and emails. Don't make any serious decisions, but expect serious productivity boosts. Friday afternoon will bring a slowdown as usual, but you might get so stuck that you feel you might as well go home early. If you do, expect work issues to follow you through until Monday.

Monthly Readings


Socializing and Reflecting

The sun shines in sociable Aquarius, Aries, so it’s time to connect with kindred spirits. Dive into groups and clubs that fuel your passion for fun or work and you’ll thrive in the collaborative energy.

Lovely Venus enters your sign early in the month, making you more spontaneous about sharing your feelings. The thrill of the chase could be irresistible, and your charm is off the charts.

As Jupiter turns direct in communicative Gemini on February 4, the fruits of your hard work are finally ripening. Delayed plans and projects can now progress, so channel your energy into turning your dreams into sparkling reality.

The full moon in charismatic Leo on the twelfth means the spotlight is all yours. It’s time to showcase your talents and put your work out there, so don’t be shy about stepping forward. On the romantic front, sparks could fly, but watch out for a touch of drama too.

As Mercury and the sun glide into intuitive Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, you’re encouraged to trust your instincts more deeply. This is a perfect moment to tie up loose ends and seek closure on lingering issues. Remember to carve out time to relax and recharge. Balance is key as you prepare for exciting new beginnings.

Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third, so expect a positive shift on the home front. You’ll find yourself becoming more proactive about tackling family matters and creating harmony at home. Recent weeks have likely provided key insights, helping you approach things with greater focus and purpose.

Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 27 offers a perfect opportunity to embrace a new practice that will foster inner peace and ease anxiety. Whether it’s meditation, journaling, or simply quiet moments of reflection, this change can anchor you in calm and balance. It’s your time to nurture yourself and your loved ones.


No matter how complicated your current situation is (or isn’t), February brings cosmic energy to heat things up and deepen your connections, starting when mesmerizing love goddess Venus moves into your first house on the fourth and has you turning heads and breaking hearts. With your charm and confidence at an all-time high, you could really cause some romantic chaos.

Deepening your emotional connections is a given during the Venus-Pluto sextile on February 7, because this intense aspect adds another dynamic layer to your love life. Whether you’ve been in love with a current partner for years or are just getting to know someone new, deep conversations and vulnerability are encouraged. 

The daring Leo full moon on the twelfth casts a passionate vibe as it illuminates your romance and self-expression zone and strikes your love life with a surge of electric energy. Don’t hold back, Aries. Tell your crush how into them you are, or plan a recommitment ceremony for you and your long-term love.

Your confidence continues late in the month as your powerful leader Mars turns direct in empathetic Cancer on February 23 and helps eliminate any lingering relationship frustrations or communication blocks. As a renewed sense of clarity and purpose for your love life begins to emerge, the future looks hopeful. It’s time to go all in. 

Health & Fitness

Socializing and Reflecting

The sun shines in sociable Aquarius, Aries, so it’s time to connect with kindred spirits. Dive into groups and clubs that fuel your passion for fun or work and you’ll thrive in the collaborative energy.

Lovely Venus enters your sign early in the month, making you more spontaneous about sharing your feelings. The thrill of the chase could be irresistible, and your charm is off the charts.

As Jupiter turns direct in communicative Gemini on February 4, the fruits of your hard work are finally ripening. Delayed plans and projects can now progress, so channel your energy into turning your dreams into sparkling reality.

The full moon in charismatic Leo on the twelfth means the spotlight is all yours. It’s time to showcase your talents and put your work out there, so don’t be shy about stepping forward. On the romantic front, sparks could fly, but watch out for a touch of drama too.

As Mercury and the sun glide into intuitive Pisces on February 14 and February 18, respectively, you’re encouraged to trust your instincts more deeply. This is a perfect moment to tie up loose ends and seek closure on lingering issues. Remember to carve out time to relax and recharge. Balance is key as you prepare for exciting new beginnings.

Mars turns direct in Cancer on the twenty-third, so expect a positive shift on the home front. You’ll find yourself becoming more proactive about tackling family matters and creating harmony at home. Recent weeks have likely provided key insights, helping you approach things with greater focus and purpose.

Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 27 offers a perfect opportunity to embrace a new practice that will foster inner peace and ease anxiety. Whether it’s meditation, journaling, or simply quiet moments of reflection, this change can anchor you in calm and balance. It’s your time to nurture yourself and your loved ones.

This Month's Career Prediction

February is quiet on the work front, which is much needed after January’s transits. This month, you will be focusing more on how you assert yourself when Venus aligns with your sun on February 4 and get paid the income that you deserve. 

That will prove extra important during the Leo full moon on the twelfth. Be sure to stand up for yourself and demand that you are respected at work. You might even receive praise from your boss for all of your hard efforts and dedication. The caveat is that your colleagues might get a tad jealous of your success when the sun shifts into Pisces on February 18. It’s important to set boundaries with your coworkers to ensure that none of you overstep at this time. 

All will be forgiven when Mars turns direct on the twenty-third. You will be able to decipher who is your trusted colleague and who is not. Chances are you’ll be cutting the fat on a lot of people on your team who aren’t doing their due diligence and holding their weight on projects. Your input is important. Be open and honest with upper management as to who you feel should stay, go, and be transferred to another team or department. Your feedback on such matters is pivotal. Pay attention to what transcends.

Fechas: Mar 21-Abr 19
Símbolo: Ram
Planeta gobernante: Marte
Color: Rojo
Casa Gobernada: Primero
Elemento: Fuego
Calidad: Cardenal

La gente del cartel de Aries son pioneros apasionados e independientes. No encontrarás un Aries cayendo en las tendencias y haciendo cosas sólo porque otras personas las están haciendo. Los Rams están 100 por ciento comprometidos con tareas que consideran competitivas — de hecho, la mejor manera de conseguir que un Aries haga algo es convertirlo en un concurso!

Leal, inteligente e impulsivo, Aries suele tener sus manos en múltiples proyectos y no descansará hasta que se alcancen sus objetivos a largo plazo. Mientras que un amigo Aries es uno de los más leales que una persona puede tener, puede ser aplazado por la franqueza del Carnero que puede ser visto como grosería por algunos.

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