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Today's Horoscope


You may be playing games with your friends or coworkers, but everyone has signed on and agreed to the rules. It's a good time for you to get them to talk things over. Anything is possible!

Love for Singles

A party would be fun, a theme party would be better, and a theme party full of intriguing strangers would be best. Seek some unusual entertainment and the folks that go along with it.

Love for Couples

If you're feeling out of sorts today, try to figure out the cause. Your partner may be able to offer some insight. They might notice changes in your behavior before you do.

Today's Career Prediction

Everyone is counting on you. It's time to deliver. Take the lead on a new venture around the office and your boss is sure to notice your efforts. Don't drop the ball once it starts rolling, though.

Weekly Readings


Heading out on a road trip or planning an adrenaline-pumping date (think rock climbing or an amusement park) could be all you’ve been dreaming of early in the week. Giving in to your desires now can boost the chemistry with your love or, if you’re unattached, lead you to someone exciting. Later, your list of everyday tasks, chores, and urgent messages to respond to might feel never-ending. The energy of the moment makes it easy to get overwhelmed by everything on your plate, but take a deep breath and then take it all one step at a time.


It isn't a deeply romantic week, but it's a great one nonetheless, a week of incredibly rewarding personal time, a week when you're happiest walking down the street listening to music and looking for nothing in particular other than joy. On Wednesday or Thursday, you may have a chance to chat with a stranger, or you might pick up a book and have the sense that the author is talking directly to you. This weekend, you're less of a consumer, not listening to much music, not picking up random books. You're staying in, making calls, and resting up.


Serendipity's on your side of the road at the beginning of the week, and your high spirits and accepting attitude complete the picture. Engaging with the locals and fellow travelers is every bit as interesting as drinking in the sights. But you'll want to get practical around Thursday; travel smart and keep a close eye on your possessions. Someone 'inadvertently' jostling you could be a pickpocket. This weekend, games of all sorts, pleasure and even a little romance await you on your journey. It's marvelous to be you wherever you are.

This Week's Career Prediction

Your commitment to watching the bottom line at work is starting to affect the way you spend money on yourself. On Monday, you begin to think of personal entertainment expenses in a new way. But your life is not a work project, it's something bigger than that, as an encounter with a group of strangers on Tuesday and Wednesday underscores. Lest you forget, you're not a corporation; you are a thinking, feeling creature. On Thursday and Friday, you have trouble delivering on your desire to do well at work, and you finish the week sluggishly. But you're not lazy, as Saturday and Sunday prove.

Monthly Readings


Lifestyle Shifts

Get your bow and arrow ready, Sagittarius, because you can hit the target in more ways than one this month. With a powerful and positive focus on your sector of work and wellness, things are looking up in this zone, especially if you’re ready to make progress. Use this opportunity to let go of activities that contribute to stress or anxiety and replace them with others you enjoy and can help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

There’s a new moon in Taurus on May 7, so this is an excellent opportunity to change your routines, creating a cosmic reshuffle that will reweave your daily schedule. Despite being naturally adventurous, you appreciate stability in your day-to-day life, and this month you can work toward reaching this goal.

Fiery Mars continues its journey through Aries, so leisure activities can be an outlet for this dynamic energy, and you’ll be ready to take a few risks in the process.

The focus gradually shifts to Gemini and your sector of relating as the sun steps inside this convivial zone on the twentieth for a four-week stay. You’re primed to connect and interact, and you’ll gain in many ways from this. Opportunities abound as you network, following your heart as you hold nurturing conversations.

The full moon in your sign on May 23 heightens emotions and brings buried issues into the open. You aren’t usually one to hold back, so you’ll waste no time in sharing your concerns if something has rattled you recently.

Get ready for lift-off as zesty Jupiter enters Gemini and your relationship zone on the twenty-fifth, where it will remain for around a year. Your friendships, deep bonds, and other associations can be a source of abundant opportunities and good times.


Can a Taurus new moon on May 7 help you start fresh? It’s possible. If you’ve been trying to get over someone lately, a fresh lunar phase is always full of hope and optimism, and because this one shines in your house of daily rituals, doing something out of the ordinary can help you heal.

On the eighteenth, a sun-Jupiter conjunction in steady Taurus encourages you to follow your desires and pay attention to little signs along the way that give you a good indication that you’re on the right path. When you get into a positive flow, it feels like everything is going your way, and love will find you or intensify once this happens.

A major solar shift from earth to air happens as the sun moves from Taurus to Gemini on May 20 and puts a sense of restlessness in your relationship zone. If you’re currently involved with someone and thinking about taking the next step, you might want to rethink things. Single Sagittarians, enjoy your status!

A full moon in your knowledge-seeking sign arrives on the twenty-third, helping you shake things up. Love isn’t supposed to be boring, so if you’re stuck in a rut, find a way to get out of it. If you’re currently dating, only accept invites that excite you. Life is too short to spend time with anyone who doesn’t give you butterflies when you see or think about them!

Health & Fitness

Lifestyle Shifts

Get your bow and arrow ready, Sagittarius, because you can hit the target in more ways than one this month. With a powerful and positive focus on your sector of work and wellness, things are looking up in this zone, especially if you’re ready to make progress. Use this opportunity to let go of activities that contribute to stress or anxiety and replace them with others you enjoy and can help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

There’s a new moon in Taurus on May 7, so this is an excellent opportunity to change your routines, creating a cosmic reshuffle that will reweave your daily schedule. Despite being naturally adventurous, you appreciate stability in your day-to-day life, and this month you can work toward reaching this goal.

Fiery Mars continues its journey through Aries, so leisure activities can be an outlet for this dynamic energy, and you’ll be ready to take a few risks in the process.

The focus gradually shifts to Gemini and your sector of relating as the sun steps inside this convivial zone on the twentieth for a four-week stay. You’re primed to connect and interact, and you’ll gain in many ways from this. Opportunities abound as you network, following your heart as you hold nurturing conversations.

The full moon in your sign on May 23 heightens emotions and brings buried issues into the open. You aren’t usually one to hold back, so you’ll waste no time in sharing your concerns if something has rattled you recently.

Get ready for lift-off as zesty Jupiter enters Gemini and your relationship zone on the twenty-fifth, where it will remain for around a year. Your friendships, deep bonds, and other associations can be a source of abundant opportunities and good times.

This Month's Career Prediction

This month will provide you with expansive opportunities in your professional life. The sun enters Gemini on May 20, making you more social at the office.

This is a significant time of growth and exploration in your career, Sagittarius, especially with Jupiter entering Gemini on the twenty-fifth. Your traits, such as optimism, enthusiasm, and a willingness to take risks, will serve you well in the business world during this month. You will feel inspired to pursue new ventures, expand your network, or seek new opportunities that align with your long-term goals.

However, it’s essential for you to maintain a balance between your adventurous spirit and practicality. Stay focused on your objectives, remaining adaptable to changes. Leveraging your natural charisma, you can make significant strides in your professional life. It’s a time for you to trust your instincts, embrace new challenges, and seize the opportunities that come your way.

Fechas: 22 de noviembre-diciembre 21
Símbolo: Archer
Planeta gobernante: Júpiter
Color: azul claro
Regla de la Casa: Noveno
Elemento: Fuego
Calidad: Mutable

Las personas del signo de Sagitario son a menudo pensadores fuertes e independientes. Un sagitario está más que feliz de alejarse de la manada, salirse del camino trillado e ir por lo que quieren a pesar de lo que otros piensan de ellos. Son grandes aventureros y líderes naturales que disfrutan de la exploración.

La gente de Sagitario también es generosa, de corazón abierto y veraz. Pueden ser acusados de carecer de empatía o tacto, pero simplemente no sienten la necesidad de golpear alrededor del arbusto. Cuando un Saggitarian te dice algo, puedes contar con que sea lo que realmente piensan. También son excelentes confidentes y pueden mantener un secreto mejor que cualquier otro signo.

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