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Today's Horoscope


Your way with words is exceptional today even for you! It's the perfect time for you to say what needs to be said no matter who wants to hear it. Keep speaking until you're out of things to say.

Love for Singles

Healthy is sexy, so put some effort into eating right and getting a little exercise and resist burning the candle at both ends. Who knows? You could meet someone interesting while jogging.

Love for Couples

Today finds you focusing your attention on your partner. When you express your concern for them in a loving way, they can't help but be moved by it. Knowing you care means a lot to them.

Today's Career Prediction

Proving your competence should be a breeze if someone calls your abilities into question. No, it's not fair, but you're on the hook, at least for the time being.

Weekly Readings


Early in the week, you’re more than happy to follow through on your work responsibilities, but you’re itching for a shake-up. You’re in need of an eye-opening experience. Putting in for vacation time and investing in a course to hone your skill set and ultimately advance your career are just two routes you could go. Now is absolutely the time to follow your gut. Later, you’ll be dealing with an onslaught of frenetic messages and energies that make you want to crawl under the covers. Taking time-outs for self-care, even occasional deep-breathing sessions, can help you feel centered in the midst of all the buzz.


You're going to have to draw this person out. You'll have no idea what your long-term prospects are until you find out what's going on in that cute, confusing head of theirs. They might not have any idea either. Talking about it will at least get you moving in the right direction. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, you're lost in deep thought. Happily lost! When someone notices you staring into space, you're not embarrassed at all. If what you're thinking about would be of interest, share it. This weekend, however, your thoughts are too new to talk about. Be creative. Write a love letter.


Factors are in play that may not be exactly clear at the week's outset. Ask more questions about times, terms, prices -- better to be over informed than in the dark. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, you're ripe for a revelation of the sort that only travel can provide, like an epiphany about life back home. Promote this kind of discovery by talking to anyone and everyone. But around Thursday you'll want to keep communication short, sweet and crystal clear to avoid mix-ups. Repeat things back to make extra sure. This weekend, someone you meet has a useful piece of advice about your trip.

This Week's Career Prediction

You're a fish swimming against the current on Monday, and you're close to tiring out. Persevere! If you need to duck out for an extra coffee break with a colleague, do it. You might be faking your enthusiasm on Monday, but on Tuesday and Wednesday, your excitement about current projects is infectious. Plus, your open-mindedness is inspiring to others. Nevertheless, Thursday and Friday find you drifting off into space, dreaming about how to change your current professional circumstances. The way to jolt yourself out of such blurriness is to approach mundane tasks creatively.

Monthly Readings


Past and Future

Gemini, you’ll be eager to access the past in order to heal and resolve old issues. Doing so will clear the runway, enabling you to make progress with your future plans and goals.

The sun in Taurus until May 20 is excellent for encouraging you to dig down and make some profound discoveries as you connect with the deeper layers of your psyche. Aside from buried memories, there might be a treasure trove of talents and abilities that have lain dormant. If nurtured, they could change your life.

The new moon in the sign of the Bull on the seventh is perfect for a new beginning. You might want to take up a spiritual practice that will ease away stress and allow you to find more joy in life. Plus, an intuitive nudge could inspire you to make changes to a goal or project that takes you in a whole new direction.

The focus shifts to your sign as the sun moves in on May 20, shining its bright light on your inquisitive and communicative qualities. The coming four weeks are great for showcasing your talents and kick-starting new initiatives. You’ll be more self-directed and perhaps more inclined to think about yourself rather than others, but this isn’t such a bad thing.

The full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third aligns with Pluto and Neptune, so high emotions could lead to change and transformation as long as you’re not too bedazzled by all that’s going on. If you need to make a decision, take your time and don’t rush.

There are two interesting influences showing up near the end of the month. The first is upbeat Jupiter’s link to dreamy Neptune on May 23, which can encourage growth and assist you with bringing a dream to life.

The second is huge for you: jovial Jupiter enters your sign on the twenty-fifth and stays here for around a year, bringing you endless possibilities for growth and expansion.


The introspective Pluto retrograde cycle that starts on May 2, while Pluto is paired with open-minded air sign Aquarius, holds a lot of promise for your future love life, Gemini. This is an ideal time to reflect and work things out in your mind before trying any of your ideas IRL.

When your loquacious leader Mercury leaves outgoing fire sign Aries for earthy Taurus and your twelfth house on the fifteenth, your intuition is logical and precise. If you have to make a lot of important or impromptu romantic decisions, you can rely on your accurate, effortless instincts.

Your confident first house starts hosting the powerful sun on May 20, welcoming a month of strong communication skills. This is a big asset in your love life, allowing all Twins to connect easily with potential or current partners and express their feelings openly.

Venus also enters your breezy sign on the twenty-third, followed by Jupiter two days later, creating good fortune and a powerfully optimistic outlook. Your open mind can’t wait for new romantic experiences! Maybe your heart will follow.

Health & Fitness

Past and Future

Gemini, you’ll be eager to access the past in order to heal and resolve old issues. Doing so will clear the runway, enabling you to make progress with your future plans and goals.

The sun in Taurus until May 20 is excellent for encouraging you to dig down and make some profound discoveries as you connect with the deeper layers of your psyche. Aside from buried memories, there might be a treasure trove of talents and abilities that have lain dormant. If nurtured, they could change your life.

The new moon in the sign of the Bull on the seventh is perfect for a new beginning. You might want to take up a spiritual practice that will ease away stress and allow you to find more joy in life. Plus, an intuitive nudge could inspire you to make changes to a goal or project that takes you in a whole new direction.

The focus shifts to your sign as the sun moves in on May 20, shining its bright light on your inquisitive and communicative qualities. The coming four weeks are great for showcasing your talents and kick-starting new initiatives. You’ll be more self-directed and perhaps more inclined to think about yourself rather than others, but this isn’t such a bad thing.

The full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third aligns with Pluto and Neptune, so high emotions could lead to change and transformation as long as you’re not too bedazzled by all that’s going on. If you need to make a decision, take your time and don’t rush.

There are two interesting influences showing up near the end of the month. The first is upbeat Jupiter’s link to dreamy Neptune on May 23, which can encourage growth and assist you with bringing a dream to life.

The second is huge for you: jovial Jupiter enters your sign on the twenty-fifth and stays here for around a year, bringing you endless possibilities for growth and expansion.

This Month's Career Prediction

May is going to be a busy month full of expansion for you. Three planets enter your sign, and you may find yourself experiencing a surge of creativity and innovation at work.

First, we have the sun entering Gemini on May 20, then Venus enters your sign on May 23, and finally, Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25. Your natural curiosity and adaptability will lead you to explore new approaches. This will bring exciting opportunities for growth.

Your networking and communication skills are highlighted this month. You thrive in connecting with others and forming strategic partnerships. There is success in collaboration this month. Brainstorm new ideas where diverse perspectives will be valued.

Gemini, it is important for you to maintain focus and discipline amid your many interests and ideas. Set clear priorities and deadlines so you can have effective results. May hold promise for you. There is potential for breakthrough and advancement if you stay open-minded and proactive.

Fechas: 21 de mayo-jun 20
Símbolo: Gemelos
Planeta gobernante: Mercurio
Color: Amarillo
House Ruled: Tercero
Elemento: Aire
Calidad: Mutable

Las personas del signo de Géminis son inteligentes, dinámicas y apasionadas por la vida. Tienden a ser optimistas y son excelentes para avanzar en lugar de quedarse atascados en el pasado. Géminis rara vez se aburre porque sus mentes están constantemente compitiendo – esto lleva a muchos Géminis ser perfectamente felices solos.

Géminis son fantásticos comunicadores y pueden mezclarse en grupos de personas en función de la vibra que reciben. Esto los convierte en un camaleón en el mundo del zodíaco. Géminis tienden a amar las citas y enamorarse y a menudo son lentos para establecerse. Una vez que han elegido un socio, sin embargo, son tan firmes y leales como cualquier gran socio debe ser.

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