Mi signo dice


Today's Horoscope


Someone reassures you about the future. It may be a romantic partner letting you know they're in it for the duration, or maybe your boss lets you know that your project is a go.

Love for Singles

Things may not work out exactly as planned, including romance. If you can wrap your mind around this and not stress out, you'll be in an excellent position to make the most of it.

Love for Couples

You've had some time to think about your next move and now it's time to make a decision. You can be confident that your loved one will be behind you all the way, so take that next step.

Today's Career Prediction

You have the power in a contentious situation, so don't relinquish it. Your best bet? Nip that office rivalry in the bud before the other person gains the upper hand.

Weekly Readings


Early in the week, you’ll be focused on how you can best address your personal needs and still fulfill your responsibilities on the job. You could come to a tough but necessary realization. The assumption that work must come first is no longer serving you, and you deserve to take a long-overdue time-out to focus on routines that boost your well-being. Later, you’ll feel driven to take a business trip or enroll in a course that will broaden your horizons. Moving beyond the daily grind, taking in a variety of sights and sounds, all while making important new connections, can prove motivating and empowering.


This week, you're turning heads left and right, but they aren't necessarily people checking you out. All eyes are on you because you're doing impressive things at work. You seem to have a better sense of the future than anyone. The reactions you're receiving from others are motivating, but in quiet moments you really wish you were elsewhere, in the arms of someone you love. What happens to you this week may have little to do with your love life, but that doesn't mean you aren't thinking about romance all the time. This weekend, you and a pal are going to bond over a love song you hear.


Your travel plans may not go exactly as you'd envisioned at the beginning of the week, but then again, what happens unexpectedly could be unexpectedly great. The bonus: Your vision of your longer-term future broadens and clarifies now. Art, music and meeting people are all favored from Wednesday through Friday; take these ingredients, add your destination's particular charms and shake well for fun! Concern about a responsibility back home may visit you this weekend -- check in so you can journey on with a light heart and a free mind.

This Week's Career Prediction

It's hard to concentrate with a framed picture of your face hanging in the hallway, isn't it? You've become the office star on Monday. The attention only makes you want to work even harder. On Tuesday and Wednesday, others are interested in your plan for the future, and even though you have a change of style in mind, you're fundamentally invested in the usual routine. On Thursday and Friday, make great leaps forward in a project through creative means, a well-crafted email can make all the difference. This weekend, you continue to think about work.

Monthly Readings


Creative Opportunities

Capricorn, brace yourself for a busy spell around the home as assertive Mars continues its journey through Aries and your domestic sector. It’s said the new broom sweeps clean, and you’ll certainly be busy clearing out corners and closets and getting rid of clutter that might have swamped your aspirations without you even realizing it.

There’s a major focus on leisure and fun, though, and this could take the sting out of too much housework. The cosmos is actively encouraging you to get involved in hobbies and pastimes that will recharge you and leave you feeling great. There are also plenty of opportunities for romance no matter what your relationship status. With a focus on sensuous Taurus, dating has never been so exciting.

The new moon in Taurus on May 7 aligns with prudent Saturn and brings an opportunity to commit to a creative collaboration that could work out well for you. You might also meet someone at a meeting and feel a spark of romance, something you never suspected when you first saw each other.

The emphasis gradually shifts to Gemini and work and wellness issues. You’ll be ready to unravel the secrets of time management and other skills that can lead to outstanding productivity. And making a few easy changes to your routine might be all it takes to make your work more enjoyable and less taxing.

The full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third can be a call to kick back and unwind. It takes place in your spiritual zone, so you might realize the benefits of taking up a spiritual practice like meditation, mindfulness, or yoga. Try to simplify your schedule if you can.

Finally, jovial Jupiter glides into Gemini on May 25 and will remain here for around a year. Opportunities to move, take a bigger and better job, expand your business, or succeed in other ways will be very plentiful.


On May 7, a new moon in security-seeking Taurus gives you a renewed sense of stability. You know what you want and you’re pretty sure you know how to get it, which is half the battle when it comes to love, your emotions, and other confusing things.

On the fourteenth, emotionally supportive Ceres goes retrograde in your reaffirming first house, sending you on a quest for what you need in order to feel fulfilled. You may think that your career is doing that for you, Capricorn, but you’re mistaken. There’s more to life than an impressive resume and money in the bank. If you think love doesn’t matter, think again.

As communicative Mercury hooks up with patient Taurus on the fifteenth, your fifth house of joy and romance gets the attention it deserves. Taurus suggests a patient and deliberate approach to communication and expression, though, and as a similarly reserved earth sign, you appreciate this transit promoting extra time to express your affection authentically.

The sun leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 20, giving your love life an edgy and indecisive vibe. Avoid anyone who pressures you into making a decision or giving them an answer before you’re ready. Having too many options is worse than not having any during this chaotic transit.

Health & Fitness

Creative Opportunities

Capricorn, brace yourself for a busy spell around the home as assertive Mars continues its journey through Aries and your domestic sector. It’s said the new broom sweeps clean, and you’ll certainly be busy clearing out corners and closets and getting rid of clutter that might have swamped your aspirations without you even realizing it.

There’s a major focus on leisure and fun, though, and this could take the sting out of too much housework. The cosmos is actively encouraging you to get involved in hobbies and pastimes that will recharge you and leave you feeling great. There are also plenty of opportunities for romance no matter what your relationship status. With a focus on sensuous Taurus, dating has never been so exciting.

The new moon in Taurus on May 7 aligns with prudent Saturn and brings an opportunity to commit to a creative collaboration that could work out well for you. You might also meet someone at a meeting and feel a spark of romance, something you never suspected when you first saw each other.

The emphasis gradually shifts to Gemini and work and wellness issues. You’ll be ready to unravel the secrets of time management and other skills that can lead to outstanding productivity. And making a few easy changes to your routine might be all it takes to make your work more enjoyable and less taxing.

The full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third can be a call to kick back and unwind. It takes place in your spiritual zone, so you might realize the benefits of taking up a spiritual practice like meditation, mindfulness, or yoga. Try to simplify your schedule if you can.

Finally, jovial Jupiter glides into Gemini on May 25 and will remain here for around a year. Opportunities to move, take a bigger and better job, expand your business, or succeed in other ways will be very plentiful.

This Month's Career Prediction

This month will have you in a strong position to make significant strides in your professional endeavors. The new moon in Taurus on May 7 will help you manifest those goals you have been working toward. You have an innate sense of discipline and ambition and will excel in setting and achieving ambitious goals during the month. Your pragmatism will pay off, and you will focus on long-term strategies and practical solutions.

Expansion is possible for you when Jupiter enters Gemini on the twenty-fifth. You could be taking on a new leadership role this month or initiate a new project that aligns with your aspirations. Don’t overextend yourself, Capricorn. Leverage your organizational skills to streamline your process. You need a healthy work/life balance. This month holds promising prospects for you. Stay grounded, focused, and persistent in the pursuit of your objectives.

Información del Zodíaco

Fechas: Dic 22-Jan 19
Símbolo: Cabra
Planeta gobernante: Saturno
Color: Azul oscuro
Casa Gobernada: Décima
Elemento: Tierra
Calidad: Cardenal

La gente del signo Capricornio es trabajadora, inteligente y puede lograr cualquier cosa a la que se propongan. Se esfuerzan por tener el control total de su destino. Mientras que algunos pueden pensar que un Capricornio es testarudo es sólo porque saben exactamente lo que quieren.

A los Capricornios les encantan las reglas y las jerarquías. Pueden pensar de forma independiente y fuera de la caja, pero son más cómodos cuando tienen límites para trabajar dentro. Algunos Capricornios se encuentran congelados cuando hay una falta de pautas o jerarquía.

La mayoría de los Capricornios encuentran la presentación muy importante y se centran en cómo se ven las cosas en lugar de cómo se sienten.

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